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Tvöföld Narratíva / Double Narrative - Hlynur Pálmason

Olíu og pigment málverk ásamt kassa fullum af skúlptúr /  Oil and pigment paintings with a box full of sculpture

Laugardaginn 2.mars kl 15:00 opnar Hlynur Pálmason sýningu á 1.hæð Sláturhússins þar sýnir hann 
olíu og pigment verk sem unnin eru útfrá persónulegum ljósmyndum saman settar  í einhvernskonar klippimynd.
Verkin eru máluð með olíu og hreinum pigmentum sem er blandað við kanínu skinn lím og málað heitt á strigann. 
Skúlptúrarnir eru unnir út fundnum verkfærum og málningar dósum.
This coming Saturday, 02.03,  we welcome you to the opening of a new exhibition in Slaturhusid.
Hlynur Pálmason, film director and visual artist, opens his exhibiton Double Narrative, oil and pigment works based on personal photographs that are put together in a collage. The works are painted with oil and pure pigments mixed with rabbit skin glue and painted hot on the canvas. The sculptures are made out of found tools and paint cans. The exhibiton opens at 15:00